FormerChief Minister Omar Abdullah, the scion of one of the most prominent politicalfamilies, has urged the voters of the Anantnag Lok Sabha Constituency to notboycott the elections.
Hetweeted, “Please don’t reward the death, destruction and deceit of the last 4years by staying home,” and has asked the voters to instead come out andchannel their anger by voting. He also asked the voters to vote the NCCandidate, Hasnain Masoodi.
Anantnagis marked as a “sensitive” constituency and the polling will happen in threephases in the constituency. Anotherformer Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and JKPCC President GA Mir are also in thefray.
AsThe Publish reported, voter turnout till 1300 hrs has been an abysmal 8%. The voting will continue till 4 p.m.
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